During the school years, especially the preschool and elementary years, a lot of cute and adorable crafts, artwork, certificates and awards, writing samples, notes, grades, etc. come home. You can't keep them all (well... I guess you can...) BUT you most definitely shouldn't keep them all!
For the things you do want to keep - the ones that are too precious to let go of - do you have a system to preserve them that isn't just a pile of papers shoved in a box somewhere? Or worse - sitting on your countertops?
Having a dedicated Childhood Keepsake Box is the key to staying organized and on top of the crazy amount of paperwork that childhood brings, leaving you with only the most special and memorable documents & memories to one day look back on.
Inspiring Organization's Childhood Keepsake Boxes cover birth through graduation with space for extracurriculars, cards, sentimental, medical & more!!

Keepsake boxes sell for $55 each.
If you order 3 or more, they are discounted to $50 each.
Not local to Richmond, VA? No worries!
You can purchase a DIY Keepsake Kit (files + vinyl name decals). I will provide you with the link to purchase the bins yourself and then you will assemble your Keepsake Box once you receive the files and name decals in the mail from me.
This option is $45 each plus shipping.

Note: Typical turnaround is 1 week, possibly less.
Fill out the info below, send payment, and you'll be contacted once your keepsake box is complete!
*If choosing First + Middle, the first name will be in script and middle in print.
*If choosing FIRST NAME ONLY, you can choose script OR print for your child's name. (see pics above)
*File color choices are pictured below! Special color combos or rainbow by request and availability only!

The Back to School '24-'25 Launch has ended and is closed for orders. Filling out this order form will be considered a pre-order for the next launch. Keepsake Boxes will not be produced until that time. Thank you!