Hey there, I'm Jess!
I'm a wife and mom to 5 kids, ranging from 5 to 16 years old! That fact alone should tell you that I'm familiar with crazy, busy, noisy (SO much noise!), "stuff", and imperfection. But let's not forget tons of hugs, laughter, and fun too! I had my oldest 3 children in less than 3 years. Yes, you read that right- 3 under 3! A few years later we added what we thought was our 4th and final to the mix. But sometimes just when you think you're hitting your groove and have life all planned out, God decides to throw you a curve ball! So a few years after we thought our family was complete, we were surprised with our 5th pregnancy- a baby girl. 2 boys and 3 girls - 5 little Lucks in all!
Being a mom of children spanning from preschool to high school has taught me a lot over the years. Mostly that society wants us to subscribe to hot mess mom culture and does everything possible to make being a frazzled stressed out mom seem normal, but I think we can all agree that it doesn't feel good to feel this way, and you don't have to!
Don't get me wrong, I have been in the thick of it- with children needing me every second for every single thing, a husband deployed overseas, all household duties up to me, laundry overflowing, bills needing to be paid, and the constant self-doubt that comes with being a new mom. I experienced the chaos of working full time, juggling work demands with sports and school schedules and the desire to get a relatively healthy meal on the table, while squeezing in some family time at the end of a long day. Through every stage, I have been pulled in a million directions and understand having a to-do list with more tasks than there are hours in the day. I may be organized, but my life is not Pinterest-perfect.
As our family has grown and changed, I've had to evolve my organizational skills and productivity solutions to help stay in control of this one wild and crazy life. Our home and time together is a comforting retreat from the world (yes, even with 5 kids at home!)- and this is all I want for you too!

What else should you know about me?
I married my high school boyfriend - I hesitate to say sweetheart because we started dating at the very end of our senior year. He joined the Marine Corps right out of high school and I went off to college (Go Hokies!) We got married when we were 20 (just babies!) and I was thrust into the life of a military spouse for almost 15 years. In that span of time, we moved 8 times- including two cross-country moves, several out-of-state moves, two moves in less than a year, and one move I did completely on my own with a newborn and toddler while my husband was deployed. Needless to say, packing and unpacking became my specialty. Organizing and simplifying our belongings became second nature. Transforming each unique space into a place that felt like home was a challenge I eagerly accepted. I learned to become exceptionally creative with storage and organization solutions and firmly believe that you can make any space serve the purpose you desire- no matter the size!
Although we are no longer a military family, I still enjoy the challenges of organizing, decluttering, and simplifying to best suit our needs. The key to making any size space work is: continuously purging unneeded items, being mindful of what we bring in, organization, and a little creativity.
When I'm not busy working for the most amazing clients, you can catch me cheering on my kids' on the football and lacrosse fields, basketball courts, track meets, and dance studios of central VA (did I mention my kids keep us busy?!)
If you're dying to hear more, here are a few things you might not know about me:
- I come from a family of 5 siblings (I'm the oldest!) and have 5 children of my own.
I earned my Bachelors of Science in Sociology and Human and Family Dynamics. I have always had a heart and desire to help and serve others.
I hate coffee and don't require any caffeine to get up and going in the morning, but I do love sweet tea!
I enjoy listening to podcasts more than watching tv. Ask me for my favorite recommendations!
Mexican food is my favorite and I could absolutely eat it every single day! Chocolate too!
Fall is my favorite season - I adore the colors, the smells, cooler weather, college football, bon fires, apple picking, and pumpkin patches. Virginia is gorgeous in the Fall!
Ready to get organized? Let's connect!
Follow me, my family adventures, and my latest organization tips + hacks + client transformations on social media: